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So if I right in that being why you asked this question, or why you find it so amazing, that type of thing does happen. It just doesn happen exactly like it happened with canada goose clearance Avery. Killers leave very obvious trails. They try to destroy evidence (like burning her body and bleaching up her blood) thinking they get away with it, but fail. They know there an obvious link between them and the victim like text messages or phone calls arranging a meetup, a business appointment, whatever. People burn bodies in their backyards.
They either aren thinking much at all, or they thinking they have a good enough plan to get away with it. Avery especially had the hubris of thinking because of the lawsuit, no one would dare investigate him too closely. So while you right that there probably no other case exactly like this, the basis of why you seem to find it shocking how obvious and lazy it buy canada goose jacket is is not in any way unique.
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That exactly the point. According to MaM, all you need to know is that this stupid rule caused problems for Avery. If it were actually a show about the criminal justice system, and not just poor Avery, it would explain the rule a bit further than “this caused problems for Avery.”
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buy canada goose jacket That everything he said was a matter of public record. Whether KK gave a press conference or not, this information was going to be all over the media, since it was a high profile case. It not like it became a big deal because of KK press conference; KK gave a press conference because it was already a big deal. KK says he gave the press conference in order to control how the information got out, since it was anyway I believe he gave it because he liked the attention. But either way, it didn violate Avery rights, because all of that information was released to the media with or without a press conference. You can criticize KK for the way he handled it, sure, but it didn violate Avery rights. buy canada goose jacket
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cheap Canada Goose Did Canada Goose Parka they mention the electronics found in the barrel Avery was seen using on 10/31? Did they play any of the interviews where both Avery and Brendan lied to police the first time they were interviewed? Did they mention Avery and Brendan bleaching the garage floor, or Avery cleaning his trailer the next day? Did they at all mention that Avery had creeped Teresa out and shown interest in her? The only things they mentioned were things they had at least some sort of rebuttal to. The key oh it was planted, let spend an hour making Colborn look suspicious. The bullet let edit some testimony and lie about Lenk presence to make it look planted. The blood oh hey look at this canada goose coats blood vial we found, and only show the testimony where Arzizu found one minor flaw in the testing procedure, instead of her admitting on stand she hadn read the full report and other than one LOD test that did what it was supposed to do, she couldn find any problems with it. The car hey that was planted too, let edit canada goose black friday sale Colborn testimony to make it sound like he planted it. They only presented evidence they felt they could cast doubt on, and then manipulated facts and testimony to make it look more suspicious. That bias. cheap Canada Goose
canada goose factory sale Yes. “I saw what appeared to be a flattened bullet” vs “I saw what appeared to be a bullet.” They made it longer, and misrepresented the bullet. What was the point of that, in your opinion? Why make the show longer, even by a second, to pretend the bullet was “flattened”, when Canada Goose sale it was in fact “nearly intact”? canada goose factory sale
There no mention in the testimony that you linked that it was from Steven gun (though I got that knowledge from somewhere)
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I don think she was stabbed in the house. I don think anyone believes every word of Brendan confessions he was obviously lying a lot. When it comes to Brendan, guilters believe everything from his confession was mostly true, to he completely innocent. I believe that Avery did rape her in the trailer, and took her to the garage to shoot her, to avoid getting blood all over his carpet, furniture, canada goose store etc, which would be much harder to clean. He and Brendan bleaching the garage floor on 10/31 took care of the blood in there, then he shampooed his carpets and did whatever else in the trailer, but there was no blood in the trailer to clean.
By the way that an important omission in MaM. I say he and Brendan bleaching the garage, and him shampooing his carpets the next day, as well as telling Jodi he was doing some cleaning on 10/31, is something the audience should at least know. Bit coincidental that he decides to have a deep cleaning sesh for a few days after Teresa is killed.